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Anthony Raglin is an American singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist that was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His journey began in church where he quickly learned to play whatever instrument was needed at the time. He was then introduced to the band, "The Postal Service". From there, he began exploring different genres; searching for sounds textures and colors in music that were meaningful to him. 


He spent much of his younger years in and around the studio. He made his first public debut, as a creative in 10th grade, after writing and producing for an artist in his hometown. Producing all but 4 songs on their 2012 Album. After relocating to Nashville, Anthony began studying, writing and producing with and for various artists. During that time, he sharpened his craft drawing the friendship and attention of many notable artists through opportunities he graciously received. Now Anthony creates to unveil a world once hidden from our eyes through every lyric sung and note played. 

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